travellers have vowed to avoid New Zealand after it became the first country to
fine passengers who refuse to hand over their phone passwords at the border.
Zealand’s Customs and Excise Act 2018, which comes into effect this week,
allows customs officials to demand passwords, PINs and encryption keys to
unlock devices for “digital strip searches”.
who refuse to hand over the passwords will be charged up to $NZ5000 ($A4580)
and could face having their device confiscated as well as prosecution.
customs officials could stop anyone at the border and demand to see their
devices but until now, the law didn’t compel travellers to provide their
password as well.
not aware of any other country that has legislated for the potential of a
penalty to be applied if people do not divulge their passwords,” New Zealand
customs spokesman Terry Brown said.
customs officials won’t be able to access the Cloud, he said.
is a file-by-file (search) on your phone. We’re not going into ‘the Cloud’,” Mr
Brown told NZTV.
examine your phone while it’s on flight mode.”
must have a “reasonable cause to suspect” a device or its owner to warrant the
digital search and data may be copied and reviewed.
year, New Zealand border officials carried out 537 preliminary searches of
shift from paper-based systems to electronic systems has meant that the
majority of prohibited material and documents are now stored electronically,” a
New Zealand Customs spokeswoman said.
Travellers aren’t happy about the new rule.Source:istock
the rule change has been slammed by civil liberties advocates and travellers.
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties said it was a “grave invasion of
personal privacy of both the person who owns the device and the people they
have communicated with”.
smartphones contain a large amount of highly sensitive private information
including emails, letters, medical records, personal photos, and very personal
photos,” chairman Thomas Beagle said in a statement.
reality of this law is that it gives Customs the power to take and force the
unlock of people’s smartphones without justification or appeal — and this is
exactly what Customs has always wanted.”
have also taken to social media to express their outrage at the news.
Berita bertarikh: 4 oktober 2018
Sumber: https://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/pacific/nz-to-fine-travellers-who-refuse-to-hand-over-phone-passwords-at-border/news-story/cf28326c5976104e5d56066783032e44